By it, I mean the changes and frustrations of the new healthcare bill. My employer actually is its own insurer, and recently wanted to create a new preventive wellness program for us employees. Basically, we were going to get $400 a year to use on various preventive procedures (one of them being adult vaccinations). However, for some reasons pertaining to the new healthcare law, they couldn't start this program. I think it had something to with the fact that there was a cap or something. I'm not actually sure. Anyway, I'm going out of the country in a little over a month, and I was going to get some recommended vaccinations, but I found out today from my doctor that two would cost $300 and I still need anti-malaria pills on top of that (and insurance won't cover those either). Maybe it is just me, but that seems a little steep seeing as how I still have to pay my copay to see my doc. I could go to the health center, but let's just say that I might get what I'm trying to prevent just by going there. It terrifies me more! Anyway, in a world with a broken economy and healthcare costs rising, doesn't it seem strange that instead of helping me pay to prevent Hep A or B or malaria, they would rather risk me get it and then have to pay to treat me later (which will cost much more!) I know it is all a risk game, but today it frustrates me.
(Picture from here .) I think everyone I know has just had a baby, is going to have a baby, or wants to have a baby! Is there something wrong with me? I want children, with my whole heart. I really look forward to being a mom someday and more and more I hope to be able to stay home with my children. The thing is, I can wait right now. I don’t have baby fever. I feel too young. I’m only 25 – how could I possibly know how to care for a child yet; I can barely take care of my husband, dog, and me. I guess what I’m wondering is should that itch be there? Should I be craving to be a mother? Does this mean my maternal instincts are off? I just feel like an older (and hopefully more mature and less selfish) version of me would make a better mother. Plus, the husband isn’t even out of law school yet! I think about my future children: their looks, personality. In my dreams I love being pregnant (I hope that is true, but the labor part still terrifies me). I know I’ll love sewing l