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Showing posts from January, 2013

Conversation #185: 7 Quick Takes

I am enjoying the 7 Quick Takes on Fridays.  It seems to be an easy way to motivate me to blog in the midst of my crazy busy life.  We are really blowing and going on the house right now, so things should be slowing down soon. Check out all of the other contributors over at Jennifer's  blog . 1. Today Jennifer talks about the March for Life and abortion.  I read an article she wrote, and I have to say that I agree with her final conclusion on why anyone supports abortion.  I have to say that it is something I just don't get.  I haven't even had the blessing of a little baby in my life yet, but seeing my niece and nephews grow is enough.  Really even watching my friends' children is enough to be pro-life.  Really, Christ is what makes me pro-life.  I had a friend that gave birth to her first little girl at 25 weeks - she was really early and so little (and is now a thriving toddler), but I remember seeing her in the NICU and just ...

Conversation #184: Happy New Year...The 7 Quick Takes Version

Happy New Year dear readers!  I apologize for being absent for so long.  The hubby and I soaked up family time over the holidays and then we jumped back on house projects lately because my parents come in a week for my bday and we want the house to look differently than when they were here for Thanksgiving.  We are really moving along, and I think I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.  So for now, here are my quick takes.  Join along with Jen at Conversion Diary and check out everyone else's too :) 1.  I have a new nephew!  He is adorable and not even a week old yet!  It is so weird to think that I have two nephews now, but it is pretty awesome.  I'll have another new niece or nephew in a few more weeks so we just have babies galore right now.  I don't mind it at all :) 2.  I plan to tile our backsplash in the kitchen this weekend.  I can't wait because this and then painting are the main projects left...