Our 200th conversation!!!
That is all the fanfare you get. It should be something big, but today is a rough one. I am beyond sleep deprived and although I originally was going to try and write something witty about how sleep deprived I am, and that my baby doesn't sleep, blah, blah, blah - I would probably just get too whiny. Luckily, I went back and re-read something I wrote just a few days ago and need to re-post it for myself:
Okay, now you can slap me for complaining because here is what I know: God is good/great/enough - HE is all I need. HE gave me an amazing husband that has been so supportive through life and loves me even at my worse. HE gave me an incredible baby that just lights up my world, and I know there are so many out there longing for one of their own. These are the days when I need to cling to God harder because I am weak and about to break on my own, but He is sufficient. He is enough. He will uphold me.
God I need you today, this hour, this minute. I am weak. Thank you for this:
That is all the fanfare you get. It should be something big, but today is a rough one. I am beyond sleep deprived and although I originally was going to try and write something witty about how sleep deprived I am, and that my baby doesn't sleep, blah, blah, blah - I would probably just get too whiny. Luckily, I went back and re-read something I wrote just a few days ago and need to re-post it for myself:
Okay, now you can slap me for complaining because here is what I know: God is good/great/enough - HE is all I need. HE gave me an amazing husband that has been so supportive through life and loves me even at my worse. HE gave me an incredible baby that just lights up my world, and I know there are so many out there longing for one of their own. These are the days when I need to cling to God harder because I am weak and about to break on my own, but He is sufficient. He is enough. He will uphold me.
God I need you today, this hour, this minute. I am weak. Thank you for this:
Today I broke - I broke all over my poor husband and wasn't the best in front of the little one. I broke at work and my emotions are so raw right now that I am about to break all over this keyboard. So instead of wallowing and feeling sorry for myself I am going to keep reading what I realized the other day and also this because it hit me hard right where I was this last weekend:
I will try to be sunnier tomorrow :)