So admittedly, I have never purchased anything from the ill-fated Martin & Osa. Not because I haven’t found a few things to adore, but because I just couldn’t bring myself to pay the prices. However, with 50% off their website, I have definitely been finding items to oogle over. However, when I finally decide to maybe buy, my size runs out. It is okay because I shouldn’t be buying anything these days anyway. I have shopped a lot lately, and with the hubby technically unemployed (at least with a real law job), I should probably not go crazy these days. To break up these boring paragraphs, here is some eye candy from their online sale: Plus, I hate paying for shipping, and I’m just not buying $100 worth of items right now. Side note, has anyone been to a store lately (Freck by chance?) because I was wondering what percentage they are offering off there right now. It was only 30% last week when I checked. Anyway, bac...