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Conversation #22b: Fashion help!

So we talked about fall weddings a couple of days ago - can a brighter jewel tone work in fall?  I bought this dress on clearance at Target for $13 a couple of days ago:

So y'all made me feel pretty good about wearing a sleeveless option and using a pashmina or a cardigan.  I actually have a pretty cute black dress cardigan so here is what I was thinking:  Can I wear this dress in October with black tights and black suede pumps and pull it off?  I think it could be cute, but I need your input.  If not, I might return it (or for $13 I might just keep it because I'm thinking I can wear it to a wedding this Saturday also!)  I realize that this wedding isn't until October, but my MIL was talking about a dress for her so it put it in my mind. Honestly, I'm afraid if I don't start looking now I may forget and then be in real panic mode!  Anyway, thoughts???


Mostly Style said…
I love that dress and I think its perfect for a fall wedding! That color will be gorgeous on you with your blonde hair!
Jennifer said…
Yes! I would absolutely wear that! I wear things like that all through Fall!
Freck said…
Absolutely my dear! Wear it and rock it. Love it, and what a steal!
I've seen this dress on someone and I love it! It would go well with tights, a pashmina, or anything. It's very cute. Nice choice!
Sandra said…
Yes. You can definitely wear that for a fall wedding! Perfect. xoxo
Ashleigh said…
Yes, yes. I'm not much for pumps and tights together. But I picturing it, and I think it would be cute.

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