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Conversation #174: The Election...some thoughts

Y'all have been lucky - I have been so busy with house stuff that I haven't gotten too political on this ol' blog this year, but don't worry, I still pay attention to these things.  Let's be honest, my blog title probably gives most of you an idea about who I support (although, it doesn't pertain just to politics).  I do hope everyone votes, and even though I may disagree with your vote, I am glad we live in a country where we get to vote.

This election season has been hard for me.  I pray often, and struggle with praying for who I want to win versus who will bring the most people to the Lord.  Sometimes I don't think that is the same person so it kind of scares me, but that is when I am glad I can surrender it to the Lord.  I pray that He is in control and that He is in each candidates life.  I did want to share an email my pastor sent out a few weeks ago when our church was talking about the election and current issues.  I really enjoyed what he wrote, and I'm pretty certain I couldn't have done a better job.  So if you haven't already voted early, I hope you are prayerfully and seriously considering who is the right person for the job, and then I hope you exercise your right tomorrow and VOTE!

It is lengthy, but worth the read:

October 12, 2012

“Making a Difference in the Election, November 6”

While I want to take a break from thinking out loud about our mission statement as a church, I want to apply our mission as a church (“reaching our world for Christ”) in the world of politics. Last Sunday I finished preaching 5 messages on 2012 Election Issues. It’s hard to summarize 5 messages in limited space, but I feel compelled to try.

God seeks godly people for His purposes in every aspect of life, and the world of politics is no exception. He calls all godly citizens (that’s us) to think godly about politics and all of life. God wants godly men and women in government, and He wants godly people making godly decisions with respect to government and life.

For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His (2 Chronicles 16.9).

I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one (Ezekiel 22.30-31).

Consider the Following Summary Points:

The eleven issues noted here are moral issues in the election before us. There are moral issues in every election. Those same issues are the issues of everyday life. They are the issues through which we are salt and light in the fabric of life. In fact, when we live and speak those godly convictions, the voice of God through the people of God becomes the call of God to salvation in their society.

'Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare.' (Jeremiah 29.7).

First, it is our moral responsibility as Christians and as the church to enter into the moral debates/life of our times – to think and live biblically. That is precisely why we are here – why God has us here – to live for Christ in the midst of a fallen world. The Bible (both Old and New Testament) was written into the political world of governments. For the past 21 centuries the church has lived under governments. The stories of Scripture where godly men and women spoke into governments for godliness are in every book of the Bible. Last week we considered just three of them – Daniel, Esther, and John the Baptist, and how God used their convictions to change governments and impact society. My prayer is – “God do it again, through our lives and through Your church.”

Second, because of this conviction, we must enter into these issues with others – ENGAGE, talk about them, care for people as you discuss them, love them, and seek ways to build bridges into their lives. Talk about them in your home, at work, in school, in your LIFE Group – wherever you are.

Third, our foundation for truth is the Word of God – it is the foundation for life and society in the naked public square. The truth is not public opinion polls of the trends of society. Our foundation for truth is the Word of God. Think biblically. Live biblically.

Fourth, our life as a Christian is a life lived for others. We refuse to live self-centered lives. We are called to love others. We cannot limit our love for others to only those who agree with our biblical and political convictions. We are called to love our neighbors whoever they are and wherever we are. Enter into the brokenness of life with redemptive love and biblical truth.

Fifth, practice prayer in private and public. Let’s pray together as a church. Even though our gov’t says pray has no compelling presence in the public arena, PRAY. Remember Daniel, who prayed three times a day when the law prohibited it.

To that end of pray, remember that this coming Tuesday, October 16, we continue 7 Tuesdays of prayer and fasting leading up to the election November 6. Four Tuesdays remain -

October 16

October 23

October 30

November 6

On each Tuesday, there will be three times to pray (6.30 am, 12 pm, and 6.45 pm). Come and join us.

Sixth, life begins at conception and abortion is the termination of a human life. Since 1973 over 50 million lives have been aborted and killed. We need leaders in gov’t who will stand for life. We need to love and invest in those whose lives have been impacted by abortion.

Seventh, marriage is a union between a man and a woman – embrace a biblical understanding of human sexuality. God is the One who has ordained marriage between a man and a woman. I want to share a website with you which references a letter written to President Obama after he took an open public stand opposing marriage between a man and a woman. The author reflects biblical thinking on this issue. It’s a long letter – carefully thought out. Please take time to read it.

Eighth, insist on the truth with respect to economic and social issues (Micah 6.8). Let me suggest just two crucial issues (although I confess there are hundreds).

Deficit spending will eventually ruin any country. The day of reckoning is here. Deficit spending is a moral issue that will bring us to ruin if not dealt with immediately. The deficit is an issue of justice. How intelligent people refuse to deal effectively with the issue is beyond me. While there are various ways to deal with the deficit, the immorality of a growing deficit is certain.

We are called to apply the truth with regards to the purpose of, the place of, and the size of government. For example, will we increase taxation to cover the deficit and healthcare and see the size of gov’t grow and grow more? Will we timidly allow gov’t to make these decisions, or will we speak and vote our voice?

Ninth, I believe we must maintain a strong position of supporting Israel as a nation. I simply go back to the first words God said when He called Abram to follow Him to a new country;

"And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I curse, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed” (Genesis 12.3).

I do not say this at the expense of other issues in the Middle East, in Israel itself, or other foreign policy concerns. I simply believe it is a moral issue to strongly support Israel.

Tenth, vote, and encourage and persuade others to do the same. I quote from my friend Jim Denison and his column today. (

In the last election, we had the second lowest voter-turnout in the world. At 47 percent, we were a point higher than South Korea. By contrast, Belgium's rate was above 90 percent; Greece, much maligned in recent years, votes at above 70 percent. Russia exceeds us by 17 percentage points, Canada by 13. Since our elections have been evenly divided in recent years, around 25 percent of the public elects our president.

Furthermore, in that same election, only half of those who would call themselves “Christians” even bothered to vote. Can you believe it!?!

Eleventh, and finally, I believe in the moral imperative of reaching the world with the gospel - in the immediate world where we live along with a commitment to reach every nation with the gospel. I cannot help but think of the apostle Paul’s admonition which addresses this point, together with prayer;

First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2.1-5).

Talk about a compelling argument to take the gospel to the world! Salvation is only through faith in Jesus.

In conclusion, having finished our sermon series on 2012 election issues, this Sunday we begin a new series on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. In preparation for this Sunday’s message, please read John 14-16. Focus on the parts of the Upper Room Discourse that address the Holy Spirit in these chapters. We’ll begin our series on what Jesus taught about Him.

I pray that God will use these messages to move us personally and our DBC community to be the people He calls us to be in following His Son –

“To be a passionate LIFE transforming community reaching our world for Christ.”

Let’s pray to that end – let’s live to that end. It starts with me.

Joyfully and expectantly,

Pastor Hal


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