If you are following along with Misty's Christmas Link-up party, then you may know that my 6th post ever on this blog was a conversation about babies and how I was so not ready for one. Check it all out here ! Well, my how things have changed in a couple of years (well not quite two). Now I am longing for a baby like crazy - I want nothing more than to be pregnant! See, I told everyone eventually I would be ready to not be ready. I know once a baby comes, I will be freaked out and wonder how I will care for that little life, but I am so ready for that. You see, back a couple of years ago my husband was still in law school, and A LOT has changed since then. He graduated, passed the bar, started and now runs a successful solo practice, I took the PE exam and passed, got a promotion, and we moved to a bigger house ready to fill with kids! God has been so good and gracious and blessed us so much over the last couple of years - none of the above would ...